Community Advisory Board


LENA is on a mission to transform children’s futures through early talk technology and data-driven programs. Through this Council, we seek to ensure that the voices of those using LENA technology and programs and those in the broader early childhood community inform key strategic decisions at LENA.



Through a focus on actionable feedback and coaching, LENA has helped communities all over the world provide programs for parents and teachers that create sustainable increases in the quality and quantity of talk with children. Many independent evaluations have shown similar results with LENA: stronger families, improved classroom quality, and increased early literacy and school readiness.



Through a focus on actionable feedback and coaching, LENA has helped communities all over the world provide programs for parents and teachers that create sustainable increases in the quality and quantity of talk with children. Many independent evaluations have shown similar results with LENA: stronger families, improved classroom quality, and increased early literacy and school readiness.

The LENA Team 2019

History and Mission


LENA is a national nonprofit that was founded in 2004. Our vision is that all children enter kindergarten prepared for success.

Join Us


There are many ways to get involved with LENA. From watching a webinar to launching a program, start here to learn more about increasing early talk in local communities.

Head Start


Learn how Head Start Programs are using LENA’s innovative technology to improve language and literacy outcomes for young children.

Achievement Gap


Learn about how children who experience low amounts of interactive talk may start to fall behind academically from an early age, as the 30 million word gap becomes the achievement gap.



Learn about breakthroughs that make a measurable difference.